【景點推薦】賞櫻、散步、聊天、森林浴@紐約布魯克林植物園 // Sakura, Walk, Chat, Shower in the Jungle @ Brooklyn Botanic Garden

***It has been a month from the last article. Busy Work Busy Life, but now we’re back. Hope you all like this one with Brooklyn Botanic! :)***


布魯克林植物園位於布魯克林展望公園(Prospect Park)的旁邊,而布魯克林美術館就在咫尺之距,建議可在同一天遊覽。
Brooklyn Botanical Garden is almost like inside Prospect Park, and Brooklyn Musuem is just right by the garden, recommended to do museum with the park in a day.

We were staying in Brooklyn this time and it’s just few stops away from the garden, only because of changing lines to take 40 min to get there.
Manhattan’s house rent is super expensive that even tourist got scared away. But if you start looking in Brooklyn, it even gives you certain level of quietness.  There’s also few subway lines connected to Manhattan, it will just take you 10 mins more to arrive Manhattan. Unless you’re city people with needs of 24-hrs CVS, Brooklyn would be an alternative for staying.


For 2,3 line, the garden gate is just right across the street. If you’re taking S line, you will need to walk 2 blocks. The first scene of the garden, is a beautiful, endless, flat green lawn, which is great for picnic.


Another gate walking from S line, is just on the left corner when you walked to Brooklyn Museum. You will see a greenhouse, which is the souvenir shop, next is the entrance.




從這個入口走進去,右轉有遊客中心,左轉就是日本花園(Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden)。每年的春季,花園內的櫻花樹都是遊客爭相拍照的地方。花園內平靜如鏡的湖面,湖中的紅色鳥居,旁邊的和式叢林,整個用心經營的環境有如置身京都一般。坐在湖邊的涼亭,欣賞櫻花隨風飄揚的姿態,粉紅花瓣在深綠色的湖上點綴,剎是好看!
Walking from this entrance, just a few step you’ll see Japanese Hill-and-Pond Garden. Every spring will be crowded with tourist and photographers. Mirror like lake with Japanese Torii, the whole set is just so decorated and full of layers, like in Kyoto.





但是每逢櫻花季,如果是大晴天,日本花園都是難求一拍照的好地點。還有一個地方也有花海,就是在溫室區前的木蘭廣場(Magnolia Plaza)。木蘭樹自由生長的形狀讓每一棵都看起來各有性格,從遠處看便是一片粉紅與白色融和一體的花海,與日本花園內的櫻花不徨多讓。
If it’s a sunny day visit, there’s another spot for flower sea other than packed Japanese Garden. Magnolia Plaza is filled with freely grown Magnolia tree. When wind blows, scent of fragrant from the sweet flower is telling you spring’s here.




溫室前方的蓮花池(Lily Pool Terrace),似乎在夏天才會有花可賞。反而是水池兩旁種有顏色鮮豔的花田,與一梯之隔的櫻花園感覺相當不同;鬰金香與太陽花散發夏天的活力,紅色橙色黃色都閃耀得睜不開眼睛了!

Lily Pool Terrace seems to be for Summer mainly. But the two side pretty flowers won’t let you down. Diverse colored flowers will just cheer you up.
Conservatory in the front is divided in to sessions, filled with warm atmosphere. But packing with the crowd won’t make a nice visit, so pick a weekday to come would be the best.



植物園內還有一些景點如Rock GardenCherry Esplanade,到訪花園不一定要走完整個地方,但是挑對時節來才是最重要!春秋兩季的風景最美,春花秋葉一定是攝影愛好者的至愛景色;夏天綠草蓬蔭,雖然有花可拍,但是就沒有櫻花紅葉,只有缺少層次的綠樹,拍照就只算一般。
There’s still a few spot inside the garden like Rock Garden and Cherry Esplanade. You are not recommended to walk all the place in it but picking up the right season. Spring and Autumn would always be the best, flower and yellow leaves.For summer, you’ll still get the green lawn and flowers, but it would be far less layered than colored Autumn.



Compared to NY Botanic, it’s missing trimmed lawn and European styled garden, somehow resonated with Central Park. If you’re looking for nature time but not in Manhattan, here would be a great choice to you.

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Walking from the subway station to Botanic:
螢幕快照 2015-05-07 下午04.55.52

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Brooklyn Botanical Garden 布魯克林植物園
地址 Address :990 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225
前往方法 Direction: 地鐵2,3,4,5線至Franklin Ave.站或S線至Botanic Garden站或B,Q線至Prospect Park站,步行5分鐘
時間 Hours: (3~10月)星期二至五08:00~18:00,星期六、日10:00~18:00(星期一、勞工日休館,紀念日及哥倫比亞日除外)
電話 Phone:+1 718-623-7200
入場 Admission:成人US$12,65歲以上長者US$6,學生US$6,12歲以下免費;星期二,長者星期五到訪,星期六10:00~12:00,冬天平日免費(特別節目如櫻花季星期六無免費入場)
網址 Websitehttp://http://www.bbg.org/
Facebook: Brooklyn Botanical Garden

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